
/* DownloadBuilder.js - v0.4.0 - 2012-08-15
* Copyright (c) 2012 Greg Franko; Licensed MIT */

Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) Ben Alman Blog Post that calls another IIFE that contains all of the plugin logic. I use this pattern so that anyone viewing this code does not have to scroll to the bottom of the page to view the local parameters that are passed into the main IIFE.

(function (downloadBuilder) {

ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode: John Resig Blog Post

    "use strict";

Calls the second IIFE and locally passes in the global window, and document objects

    downloadBuilder(window, document);


Locally passes in the window object, the document object, and an undefined variable. The window and document objects are passed in locally, to improve performance, since javascript first searches for a variable match within the local variables set before searching the global variables set. All of the global variables are also passed in locally to be minifier friendly. undefined can be passed in locally, because it is not a reserved word in JavaScript.

(function (window, document, undefined) {

ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode: John Resig Blog Post

    "use strict";

Function object constructor

    var DownloadBuilder = function(obj) {

Sets the library options

        this.options = {

Location option (Defaults to an local)

            "location": (obj && obj.location) || "local",

Github author name option

            "author": (obj && || "",

Github repo name option

            "repo": (obj && obj.repo) || "",

Github branch option

            "branch": (obj && obj.branch) || ""


Cache option (defaults to an hour (in milliseconds))

        if(obj && obj.cache !== undefined) {

            this.options.cache = +obj.cache;


        else {

            this.options.cache = 3600000;


Sets up the plugin



Adds methods to the downloadBuilder prototype object that are shared between all instances

    DownloadBuilder.prototype = {

Library Version Number

        VERSION: "0.4.0",

Github Rate Limit URL

        githubRateLimitUrl: "",

String that will be used to hold the file content

        file: "",

Number of the current checkbox that is being traversed

        currentCheckbox: 0,

Checkbox HTML elements

        checkboxes: [],

Callback function that is called when the fileURL creation process is complete

        callback: function() {},


 Sets up the Library.
        _create: function() {

Determines if the current browser supports the HTML5 Filesystem API and sets up some global variables needed for the HTML5 filesystem to work

            this.supportsFilesystem = this.fileSystemSupport();

Instance variable (object) that determines if a user is trying to use a Github resource and how many Github resources are being used

            this.github = this._isUsingGithub();

If one or more Github resources are trying to be used

            if(this.github.isUsing) {

Checks to make sure the user is not over the Github rate limiting capacity and sets an instance property to the number of remaining available Github requests



Maintains chainability

            return this;



 Sets up the HTML5 Filesystem global variables and determines if the current browser supports the API
        fileSystemSupport: function() {

HTML5 Filesystem API Variables

            window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem || window.mozRequestFileSystem;

            window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL;

            window.storageInfo = window.storageInfo || window.webkitStorageInfo || window.mozStorageInfo;

If any of the global HTML5 Filesystem variables are not available

            if(!window.requestFileSystem || !window.Blob || !window.URL || !window.storageInfo) {

The HTML5 Filesystem API is not supported

                return false;


The HTML5 Filesystem API is supported

            return true;



 Determines if any of the file downloads are trying to use Github
        _isUsingGithub: function() {

Grabs all of the elements on the page with the data-location='github' HTML5 data attribute

            var githubSelector = document.querySelectorAll('[data-location="github"]');

If there is one element or more that are trying to use Github resources

            if(githubSelector.length || this.options.location === "github") {

Returns an object

                return { "isUsing": true, "length": githubSelector.length };


If there are no elements that are trying to use Github resources

            else {

Returns an object

                return { "isUsing": false, "length": githubSelector.length };




 Determines if the number of Github HTTP requests has hit the maximum number of requests, within the hour, that Github allows before rate limiting
        _checkGithubRateLimit: function() {

Saves the Library object context in the this variable

            var self = this;

Calls the custom JSONP method (created by Oscar Goodson)

            this.JSONP(this.githubRateLimitUrl, function(data){

Sets an instance variable that determines if the Github rate limit has been reached or not

                self.rateLimit =;


Maintains chainability

            return this;



 Method created by Oscar Goodson [Github](
        JSONP: function(url,method,callback) {

Set the defaults

            url = url || "";
            method = method || "";
            callback = callback || function(){};

            var jsonpScript,

If no method was set and they used the callback param in place of the method param instead, we say method is callback and set a default method of "callback"

            if(typeof method === "function") {

                callback = method;

                method = "callback";

This randomizes a function name for generated script tag at the bottom to call example: jsonp958653

            generatedFunction = "jsonp" + Math.round(Math.random()*1000001);

Generate the temp JSONP function using the name above First, call the function the user defined in the callback param [callback(json)] Then delete the generated function from the window [delete window[generatedFunction]]

            window[generatedFunction] = function(json){

A try/catch block is used because IE8 does not support deleting global window properties

                try {

                    delete window[generatedFunction];

                catch (e) {

                    window[generatedFunction] = undefined;


Check if the user set their own params, and if not add a ? to start a list of params If in fact they did we add a & to add onto the params example1: url = THEN example2: url = THEN

            if(url.indexOf("?") === -1) {

                url = url+"?";

            else { 

                url = url+"&";


This generates the script tag

            jsonpScript = document.createElement("script");

            jsonpScript.setAttribute("src", url + method + "=" + generatedFunction);



 Downloads all of the files listed in the checkbox attributes,
 concatenates all files into a single file,
 constructs a file url (if supported),
 and calls the callback function when everything is complete
        buildURL: function(checkboxes, fileName, lang, callback) {

If there is at least one checkbox element

            if(checkboxes.length) {


                var self = this,
                    time = new Date().getTime(),

If the callback parameter is a function

                if(typeof callback === "function") {

Saves the callback function as an object instance property

                    self.callback = callback;


                if(self.currentCheckbox === 0 && window.sessionStorage && !window.sessionStorage.getItem("cache-time")) {

                    window.sessionStorage.setItem("cache-time", time);


Saves the checkbox elements as an object instance property

                self.checkboxes = checkboxes;

Determines if the currently traversed checkbox element is the last checkbox element in the list

                lastElem = (self.currentCheckbox === checkboxes.length -1) || false;

Stores the currently traversed checkbox element in a variable

                currentElem = checkboxes[self.currentCheckbox];

Stores the HTML5 data attribute, data-location, inside of a variable (Defaulting to local)

                location = currentElem.getAttribute("data-location") || self.options.location || "";

Stores the HTML5 data attribute, data-author, inside of a variable (Defaulting to an empty string)

                repoAuthor = currentElem.getAttribute("data-author") || || "";

Stores the HTML5 data attribute, data-repo, inside of a variable (Defaulting to an empty string)

                repoName = currentElem.getAttribute("data-repo") || self.options.repo || "";

Stores the HTML5 data attribute, data-branch, inside of a variable (Defaulting to an empty string)

                repoBranch = currentElem.getAttribute("data-branch") || self.options.branch || "";

Stores the HTML5 data attribute, data-localpath, inside of a variable (Defaulting to an empty string)

                localPath = currentElem.getAttribute("data-localpath") || "";

If the current browser supports Session Storage

                if(window.sessionStorage) {

If there are already items stored in the session

                    if(window.sessionStorage.getItem(currentElem.value) && window.sessionStorage.getItem("cache-time")) {

If the caching time has expired

                        if((time - window.sessionStorage.getItem("cache-time")) >= self.options.cache) {

Removes the session data


Removes the session data


Requests new data

                            self._sendRequest({ "location": location, "repoAuthor": repoAuthor, "repoName": repoName, "repoBranch": repoBranch, "localPath": localPath, "currentElem": currentElem, "time": time, "lastElem": lastElem, "fileName": fileName, "lang": lang });


If the caching time has not expired

                        else {

Appends to the file instance property with whatever text is already in the session

                            self.file += window.sessionStorage.getItem(currentElem.value);

Checks to the see if the file URL is ready to be created

                            self._fileStatus({ "lastElem": lastElem, "lang": lang, "fileName": fileName });



If there are no items in the session

                    else {

Requests new data

                        self._sendRequest({ "location": location, "repoAuthor": repoAuthor, "repoName": repoName, "repoBranch": repoBranch, "localPath": localPath, "currentElem": currentElem, "time": time, "lastElem": lastElem, "fileName": fileName, "lang": lang });



            else {

Calls the callback function that was ininitially passed into the buildURL method

      , { "content": "", "fileName": fileName, "lang": lang });


Maintains chainability

            return this;



 Downloads the text of a local file
        _localRequest: function(obj) {


            var self = this,

Ajax Request wrapped in a try/catch block in case of an error

            try {

Constructs a new XMLHttpRequest object instance

                xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

Creates a GET request with the relative url that is passed

      "GET", obj.url, true);

Ajax event handler to check if the request is finished

                xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) {

If the Ajax request is complete and it is successful

                    if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) {

Save the text response in a local variable

                        text = this.responseText || this.response || "";

Append the text response to the file instance property

                        self.file += text;

Sets necessary session data

                        window.sessionStorage.setItem(obj.elem.value, text || "");

Checks to the see if the file URL should be created yet

                        self._fileStatus({ "lastElem": obj.lastElem, "lang": obj.lang, "fileName": obj.fileName });


Sends the Ajax request


            } catch(error) {


Maintains chainability

            return this;



 Downloads the text of a third-party file (Currently only Github is supported)
        _thirdPartyRequest: function(obj) {

Stores the local object context in the self local variable

            var self = this,

Calls the custom JSONP method (created by Oscar Goodson)

            this.JSONP(obj.url, function(data) {

If the request is a Github request

                if(obj.type === "github") {

Appends the parsed Github text response to the file instance property

                    text = self._parseGithubResponse({ "elem": obj.elem, "data": data }) || "";

                    self.file += text;

Stores all the necessary data inside of the session

                    window.sessionStorage.setItem(obj.elem.value, text || "");

Checks to the see if the file URL is ready to be created

                    self._fileStatus({ "lastElem": obj.lastElem, "lang": obj.lang, "fileName": obj.fileName });





 Determines what type of request (local or third party) is sent
        _sendRequest: function(obj) {

If the request is a Github request

            if(obj.location === "github") {

If the Github rate limit has not been met

                if(this.rateLimit !== 0) {

Decreases the rate limit capacity amount

                    this.rateLimit -= 1;

Sends a third party file request

                    this._thirdPartyRequest({ "type": obj.location, "url": "" + obj.repoAuthor + "/" + obj.repoName + "/contents/?ref=" + obj.repoBranch + "&path=" + obj.currentElem.value, "elem": obj.currentElem, "time": obj.time, "lastElem": obj.lastElem, "lang": obj.lang, "fileName": obj.fileName });


If the Github rate limit has been met

                else {

If a backup local path is provided

                    if(obj.localPath) {

Sends a local file request

                        this._localRequest({ "url": obj.localpath, "elem": obj.currentElem, "time": obj.time, "lastElem": obj.lastElem, "lang": obj.lang, "fileName": obj.fileName });




If the request is not a Github request

            else {

Sends a local file request

                this._localRequest({ "url": obj.currentElem.value, "elem": obj.currentElem, "time": obj.time, "lastElem": obj.lastElem, "lang": obj.lang, "fileName": obj.fileName });



 Parses the Base 64 encoded Github response into text
 This method was heavily inspired by [James Ward](
        _parseGithubResponse: function(obj) {


            var self = this,

If Github found content and the global atob method is available (not currently available in IE)

            if ( !== undefined && window.atob) {

If the encoding is base64

                if ( === "base64") {

Stores the content property inside of the local variable

                    base64EncodedContent =;

Removes all new lines

                    base64EncodedContent = base64EncodedContent.replace(/\n/g, "");

Stores the base64 encoded content inside of a local variable

                    content = window.atob(base64EncodedContent);

Splits the content up into an array

                    contentArray = content.split("\n");

Grabs all of the content from the array and stores the text in a local variable

                    text = contentArray.slice(0, contentArray.length).join("\n") || "";


Maintains chainability

            return text;



 Constructs a file url using the HTML5 Filesystem API (Only currently available in Chrome 12+)
        createURL: function(obj) {


            var self = this,

Request temporary storage data (even though we are not creating any files this step is necessary)

            window.storageInfo.requestQuota(window.TEMPORARY, 1024*1024, function(grantedBytes) {

The callback function that uses the granted bytes requested in the previous callback

                window.requestFileSystem(self.storageType, grantedBytes, function(fs) {

Creates a file (the name of the file is passed into the createURL method)

                    fs.root.getFile(obj.fileName, { create: true }, function(fileEntry) {

Create a FileWriter object for our FileEntry

                        fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {

Create a new Blob

                            blob = new window.Blob([], { type: "text/" + obj.lang });

Calls the callback function that was passed in, and constructs then passes the url that references the recently created blob

                  , window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));





Maintains chainability

            return this;



 Determines if the file URL is ready to be created
        _fileStatus: function(obj) {


            var self = this,

If the last checkbox is being process

            if(obj.lastElem) {

Resets the currently traversed checkbox back to zero

                this.currentCheckbox = 0;

If the current browser supports the HTML5 Filesystem API

                if(self.supportsFilesystem) {

Creates the file URL

                    self.createURL({ "lang": obj.lang, "fileName": obj.fileName, "data": self.file, "callback": function(url) {

Saves the url inside of the session

                        window.sessionStorage.setItem("bloburl", url);

Calls the callback function that was ininitially passed into the buildURL method

              , { "url": url, "content": self.file, "fileName": obj.fileName, "lang": obj.lang });

Removes the contents of the file instance property (that was used to create the file URL)

                        self.file = "";


If the current borwser does not support the HTML5 Filesystem API

                else {

Calls the callback function that was ininitially passed into the buildURL method

          , { "content": self.file, "fileName": obj.fileName, "lang": obj.lang });

Removes the contents of the file instance property (that was used to create the file URL)

                    self.file = "";



If the last checkbox is not being processed

            else {

Increment the currently traversed checkbox number

                this.currentCheckbox += 1;

Call the buildURL method again

                self.buildURL(self.checkboxes, obj.fileName, obj.lang, self.callback);


Maintains chainability

            return this;



Makes the local downloadBuilder object global

    window.DownloadBuilder = DownloadBuilder;

})); // End of Library